Strange Apex Legends glitch is making cars completely disappear

gibraltar apex legendsRespawn Entertainment

A hilarious new Apex Legends glitch has been found in Season 13, showing Gibraltar getting close to a Trident that it disappears completely. 

Just picture it – you see an enemy standing a few meters in front of you. They jump out of their vehicle and are about to start running in one direction. You see the Trident and think it would be an ideal way to catch up to them, and then it disappears!

This is happening in Apex Legends, based on a new clip that has blown up within the community.

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If a way to do this emerges, it could even become an exploit people take advantage of when the circle is coming in – limiting ways to traverse the map quickly.

Trident Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends Trident vehicles are going missing, and it seems only Gibby knows where they’re going.

Gibraltar glitch makes vehicles disappear in Apex Legends

A clip showing the problem was posted to the Apex Legends subreddit on July 3, showing a player zooming in on their enemy trying to take a shot.

The foe, Gibby, was standing next to his vehicle before walking around towards the back end of it. Seconds later, it completely disappeared – meaning nobody else could use it.

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Some members of the community joked that the Legend was adding it to their inventory, almost like a weapon or item.

The post, tagged as a humor post, has racked up over 12,000 upvotes on the page.

Apex Legends players react

In the comments, one fan said: “Did he just GTA store it like it’s his vehicle lol?” Another joined in with the joke, mimicking the Grand Theft Auto mechanic: “I’m Johnny on the spot!”

A third user said: “Thought you meant Car SMG, mf straight up puts the whole vehicle inside his pocket.”

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At the time of writing, this bug is not yet on the radar of Respawn Entertainment, according to their Trello board.

The developers often post about newly-discovered glitches here, though there is no mention of disappearing Tridents. Speaking of disappearances, though, it does say they are investigating missing Twitch drops affecting some accounts.