Strange Apex Legends bug sends players sky-high while healing

A strange new bug in Apex Legends is sending players flying into the sky after they try to heal themselves with shield and health kits.

Apex Legends season three has been a strong return to form for Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale title, with players flocking to the new World’s Edge map to try out the brand-new location.

It hasn’t been completely smooth sailing for the game, though, as players have encountered numerous bugs and glitches that have affected their experience. A handful have been pretty game-breaking, but a new problem, revolving around healing, is quite literally sending players through the roof.

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Respawn EntertainmentLifeline is Apex’s medic legend, but everyone needs to carry a health kit or two.

In a post to the Apex Legends subreddit, user RoadKillSkull showcased a video of a problem where they, and their teammates, were sent high into the sky after healing. 

In the video, the Redditor’s game seems to crash for a moment before they are sent skywards. Once there, the game shows that they are healing, but they actually aren’t. Instead, RoadKillSkull was left as a sky-high turret, trying to gun down enemy players – at least on their screen.

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While that may seem like an advantage to some players, it didn’t quite work out that way as the Redditor was gunned down and sent flying back to their original spot inside of a cabin, but instead of healing, they were waiting for a revive.

While it’s a pretty big problem by itself, it’s not the only glitch that frustrates players who are trying to heal that has appeared recently.

Back on November 8, a twitch streamer by the name of Leovanthy uncovered an error where after being revived, players found themselves to unopen death boxes from enemies.

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The Respawn development have, in the past, frequented the game’s subreddit and responded to issues that have caused frustrations for players.

However, they have yet to respond to this problem, so it remains to be seen if they are aware of it and if a fix is in the offing.