Strange Apex Legends bug is catapulting players into the sky

Respawn Entertainment

A strange bug has been discovered in Apex Legends, sending players flying high into the sky for apparently no reason.

As with any major game, Apex Legends has a regular slew of bugs in the game, and it seems to be something that is pretty much unavoidable. With every patch, something if fixed and something else breaks, an expectation that has troubled game development for years.

While some bugs can be near game-breaking, be it in Apex or other games, some are pretty much inconsequential and more weird than frustrating or anger-inducing, and that’s exactly what happened here.

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Respawn Entertainment
Pathfinder players will love this bug.

Posting to the Apex Legends subreddit, BoomBoomSturmiee posted a video that saw him randomly soaring into the sky.

After using a survey beacon to scan the map for the next safe zone, Sturmie – playing as Pathfinder – was quickly teleported to high in the sky, a good distance above the map and his teammates, before dropping back down and everything seeming as normal once again.

You can see Sturmie’s confusion when he lands, looking around to try and figure out what just happened and if anything changed in the surrounding area, but everything else seemed to be as it should be.

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It’s clear that this bug doesn’t even begin to enter “game-breaking” territory, but it’s definitely a weird one that seems somewhat impossible to explain without Respawn Entertainment themselves having a look into it.

At least it doesn’t directly affect gameplay, such as this frustrating looting bug that prevents players from picking up items of eliminated enemies.

Pathfinder players will be no stranger to flying around the map and making use of verticality, but this might be a bit much even for them, so Respawn will likely aim to find out why this has happened and get a fix sorted sooner rather than later.

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