Small Apex Legends buff would make Crypto’s drone much more useful


Apex Legends players are still holding out hope that Respawn will answer the calls and make a simple but effective change to Crypto’s drone that would allow him to become much more useful in a trio.

Crypto was introduced as the newest part of the Apex Legends roster back at the start of season three, giving players another recon legend to use in their lineup.

Since then, the Surveillance Expert has become a key part of the game’s meta and you will find plenty of Crypto’s stalking World’s Edge and Kings Canyon in hopes of giving their squad some key information. However, some fans are hoping that, alongside the rumored buff of being able to use survey beacons like Pathfinder, Crypto’s drone will get a long-awaited change to help squads even further.

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Crypto has become a key part of the Apex Legends meta since arriving in season three.

When the drone is in the sky, Crypto is able to scan the champion banners around the maps to see how many teams are within a 200m range of his position. As of now, only he can see it, but this simple idea would change that.

Redditor atuka26 asked the Apex Legends subreddit if Respawn Enterianmnet could make it possible for Crypto to be able to ping the banners and give his teammates the extra slice of information. This would mean that anybody who solo queues, or searches for random teammates and doesn’t use a mic, would still be able to relay a warning to their squad. 

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As long-time fans pointed out, it is a change they have been begging to see implemented for quite some time, with some questioning why the developers haven’t put it into place yet.

“Honestly, I still don’t know why they haven’t added this yet,” commented chiefcow007. Another poster, Bartalon9, added: “I wouldn’t mind if this was just his straight-up passive. Like, have a wraith-like prompt to tell your teammates the number of squads entering the area.”

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Of course, any legend changes come from Respawn themselves and in-game balancing has to be taken into account before any tweak goes live. But, it’s not secret that Crypto is generally believed to be one of the lower-tier Legends.

Whether or not they’ll make something like this change happen in the future, though, remains to be seen.