Simple Apex Legends counter makes Fuse’s Ultimate far less deadly

Fuse in Apex LEgends inside his Motherlode UltRespawn/EA

Apex Legends players have found they can out heal Fuse’s ultimate while standing in the ring of fire if you have a Phoenix Kit and a Battery Shield on hand. 

Apex Legends is full of sneaky tips and tricks that can help players improve their skills tenfold. From the crazy “punch boosting” movement mechanic that can help you escape from opponents in a quick fashion to being able to cancel the movement nerf while using a Thermite grenade – there’s a lot for new players to learn.

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Now, Apex players have found they can out heal Fuse’s ultimate while standing in the ring of fire. While it’s not necessarily a trick that’ll win you your next game, it’s useful to know.

Fuse in Apex Legends with logoRespawn Entertainment
Fuse was introduced to Apex Legends in Season 8 in February 2021.

Apex Legends player Quokkain pointed out in Reddit thread on January 2 that, if you’ve got a Phoenix Kit and Battery Shield, you can out heal Fuse’s ultimate while standing in the ring of fire.

While the main objective of his Ultimate isn’t exactly to kill your enemies, the fire and burn that comes with it lasts 17 seconds and can take a good chunk of health off them.

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Along with enemies being revealed while being inside the ring, Fuse’s ultimate can be pretty useful – and the burn makes it a whole lot easier to take them down.

However, as pointed out by numerous other players, it’s unlikely that you’d get the opportunity to do this in a public match. “Somebody is going to shoot you before you can even get the Phoenix Kit off,” said one player.

“In an actual game, the huge slow and wall-hack the Fuse ult applies are brutal enough,” said Zalarien, who continued by assuring the damage isn’t a priority: “The damage is the least of the concern.”

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While players claim you wouldn’t be able to pull this off in a public match, it can still be useful to know given you’re put in a situation where you could do it.