Respawn respond to broken challenges in Apex Legends Grand Soirée event

Apex Legends' Grand Soiree event challenges are bugged.EA

Respawn Entertainment has acknowledged the challenge bug which is plaguing players’ Grand Soirée event and leaving them without rewards on PS4. 

As Apex Legends’ monumental third season draws to its close, Respawn have provided players with one last event to send off Season 3 in style. 

The Grand Soirée event kicked off on January 14 with ‘Gold Rush Duos,’ which was a big hit with the battle royale’s loyal community.

Gold Rush Duos in Apex Legends.EA
Gold Rush Duos brought back the two-player game mode for 48 hours.

Grand Soirée event challenges are broken

A crucial way to rank-up in Apex Legends, challenges provide a means to an end in the sense that they provide players with rewards, while simultaneously making the game more engaging. 

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However, the Apex Legends subreddit has been inundated with accounts of players being unable to view their challenges on the main menu for PlayStation 4. 

To make matters worse, even if players use the in-game menu to discover their challenge set, they’re unable to claim the reward for completing the associated challenge.

Respawn are listening

A post highlighting the issue from Reddit user ‘caprimais_’ gained some traction on the subreddit, and gathered the attention of a member of the Respawn team. 

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We have spent a good part of the day trying to learn what went wrong to those lucky people who are affected by this,” the developer opened. “We will put out a fix as soon as we are able to. Definitely not just sitting back on this.”

While the developer acknowledged that the current workaround is to see the event challenges “by looking at them in game next to the minimap,” they also apologized for the inconvenience.

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Respawn developer's comment.Apex Legends subreddit (Reddit)
Respawn are keeping an eye on issues.

Per the Apex Legends Tracker, Respawn are currently working on a hotfix for another challenge related issue which prevents players from making progress on Supply Drop weapon challenges.

Of course, players being unable to locate their challenges that are both event-specific and time-restricted hinders the event significantly. Players will be hoping that Respawn roll-out a patch that fixes all challenge bugs in the near future.