Respawn respond to broken Apex Legends daily challenges

Apex Legends challenge screen with Loba on topRespawn Entertainment

A frustrating issue with ‘daily’ challenges in Apex Legends is leaving players without any challenges to complete at all, but Respawn have confirmed they are aware of the problem and are working on a fix.

Daily and weekly challenges are a big help to any Apex player trying to grind through the levels and the battle pass, giving bonus XP on top of the regular share for kills and placements.

As the name implies, these daily challenges reset every 24 hours – or at least, they should. For some reason, after the Lost Treasures Collection event update started, the daily challenges appear to be reset every five days instead.

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Challenges menu in Apex LegendsReddit: u/Stormshot64
The daily challenges are not-so-daily in Apex Legends right now.

This has caused confusion, as well as some frustration, for those players who really want the extra XP. Respawn are on the case though.

Because they’re meant to be daily, the tasks themselves are usually pretty straight forward, completable in a few games max typically.

Responding to a player who was worried they would miss out on some of the season’s rewards, a Respawn dev has asked that players are patient, but assured them that a fix is on the way.

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“We are aware of this issue and are working to fix it as we speak. That doesn’t necessarily mean you can expect the fix right this instant, but Soon(tm).” Reddit comment from Respawn developer

Even though there is no timing on the fix, hopefully it won’t take too long, as any delay could mean missing out on precious rewards, thanks to the lack of XP.

It’s not quite as bad as the previous bug with challenges though. Back in February, players who completed daily challenges close to the time that they were reset would get hit by an error screen – stopping them from playing completely.

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Clearly this new issue isn’t quite as severe, but it’s still a pain having to wait almost a week for supposedly ‘daily’ challenges.