Respawn just banned over 2000 Apex Legends players using cheats

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Respawn just dropped the ban hammer and took down 2,000-plus Apex Legends cheaters.

Cheating issues plague Apex Legends from the casual level all the way up the ladder to the battle royale’s best players. Most recently, the number one ranked Predator player received a ban after HisWattson called them out for cheating.

An uptick in bans shouldn’t come as a surprise. In January 2023, Chris Bruzzo, EA Chief Officer, claimed banning cheaters is at the top of the Apex team’s priority list. Bruzzo elaborated that eliminating cheating is one of the best ways to reduce toxicity in games.

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Respawn kept true to its promise by dishing out a permanent ban to a player who goaded the devs to do so in February. And now, 2000 plus cheaters find themselves at the wrong end of a ban in the latest crackdown.

Apex Legends devs go on offensive against cheaters

On September 13, Respawn announced: “This morning, we banned 2,000-plus accounts that were using cheats. As a reminder, please report any suspicious player activity through our in-game tools.”

Community members celebrated the announcement.

Apex Legends pro HisWattson joked: “I was wondering why I couldn’t log in this morning.”

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Other players in the comment section took turns praising Respawn, as a second user added: “I’d like to give you a round of applause. Good going!”

However, some community members still aren’t totally satisfied with the in-game process for reporting cheaters. A third player argued: “Thank you for the bans. But, many people still are not able to send in reports directly when they die to cheaters! I Would love to have a fix on that!”

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Hopefully, this wave of bans deters cheaters from ruining other players’ experiences. But as we have learned in the past, cheaters always find a way to slip through the cracks.