Respawn confirms Apex Legends Arenas LTMs are “on the table” for the future

Apex Legends ValkyrieRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Arenas mode has proven popular amongst the playerbase and developers are now looking into ways they can build upon its foundation. 

Arenas is the latest mode to hit Apex Legends in Season 9, which has given players a whole new way to play the battle royale title. This 3v3 mode enables players to practice their teamfighting and flex their mechanical prowess over other players. While it still may be early days for the Arenas mode, players have already been calling for adjustments to the weapons, Legends, and leaver penalties

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However, Respawn has also been keen to address these issues. While they announced that a ranked mode would be coming to Arenas in a future update, the developers have shown their interest in adding Limited Time Modes (LTMs) to Arenas. 

Apex Legends Arenas LTMs

apex legends arenaRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends Arenas has proved incredibly popular.

LTMs have always brought something different to the battle royale table. Not only do they serve to shake up existing modes, they also enable players to take part in more casual events. While we know that Respawn is keen to make adjustments to the mode, we have also now been given details on the addition of LTMs. 

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Speaking over on the official Apex Legends Reddit page, Lead Game Designer Carlos Pineda gave insights on the future updates to Arenas. “Arenas LTMs are definitely on the table, but they take time to develop,” says the Respawn developer. “We’d have to weigh that against other features.”

Apex Legends ArenasRespawn Entertainment
More exciting content could be coming to Arenas in the future.

It certainly seems that LTMs are on Respawn’s mind, but the team is busy turning their attention to the current leaver issues impacting the game mode. “Much like you, we hate when people leave early, so we are definitely looking into leaver penalties and loss forgiveness for Arenas.”

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With Respawn announcing that ranked Arenas will be coming in a future update, it’s no wonder the development team wishes to tackle this issue first. In fact, many Apex Legends players and the developers themselves have spoken out about ways they could potentially combat this frustrating issue. 

So, there you have it, Apex Legends Arenas mode will receive its own LTMs in the future. Quite what they will entail remains to be seen, so be sure to check out our Apex Legends page for all the latest updates. 

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