“Rat” Pathfinder spot on World’s Edge is perfect for Apex Legends ambushes

Respawn Entertainment

A new sneaky spot for Pathfinder to hide in Apex Legends has been discovered on World’s Edge, and it’s safe to say that enemies will have no idea of the ambush waiting for them when you’re up there.

Every Apex player worth their salt should know most of the game’s maps inside and out by this point. If you don’t have Olympus memorized yet we’ll let it slide since it’s a newer map, for now, but map knowledge is one of the most important things players need to stay on top of.

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But, one spot even the most hardened veterans of the Apex games might not be aware of has been discovered, and it’s definitely one to keep in mind the next time you drop in for a match on World’s Edge.

Worlds edge map in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Seems there are still plenty of secrets hidden around World’s Edge just waiting to be discovered.

Redditor ‘the-tortalian’ is the one we have to thank for bringing this hiding place, which they lovingly refer to as a “rat” spot, to our attention, and even sharing a video of how to get up there with Pathfinder.

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Located in the Sorting Room on World’s Edge, there is a large yellow pipe going from floor to ceiling in the middle of the room. There’s a slight bend at the top of the pipe, which makes it possible to hang out indefinitely (or until the ring closes) once you get up there.

If you’re rolling Pathfinder, it’s as easy as aiming your grapple at the top of the tube, and riding it for as long as you can. If you pull it off correctly, you should be sitting pretty where no enemy will ever think to look.

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Now, just because Path is the legend used in this example, there’s nothing to say he’s the only one that could theoretically make it up there. Octane’s Jump Pad certainly has the potential to work, and Horizon’s Gravity Lift also comes to mind.

If you do manage to pull it off and get to this spot with either Octane, Horizon, or any other legend, drop us a clip @TitanfallBlog on Twitter. Bonus points if you manage to actually kill another player or squad while up there too!

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