Rank 1 Apex Legends predator banned amid HisWattson cheating allegations

apex legends cheatersElectronic Arts

The current ranked 1 Apex Legends predator was banned after being called out by HisWattson for cheating.

Early into the game’s life, an Apex Legends player, Facilitatur, made waves in the scene by reaching the top five Predators on Xbox. He and a duo, Invulnerable, would eventually be caught using hacks, however, they made a switch to PC to avoid it.

Despite the ban, the duo still climbed their way to the top five on PC incredibly fast, which caught the eyes of the community. It was eventually found out that Facilitatur’s duo, Invulnerable, had been using hacks as they climbed the ranked leaderboards. 

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Now, years after Facilitatur’s banning, he has again reached the top rank. However, the ban hammer came down again.

Rank #1 Apex Predator banned again

On August 23, Apex Legends content creator RealLegendJuice posted a video of Facilitatur getting banned while playing on stream.

This comes after HisWattson accused the top-ranked player of cheating.

“The current rank 1 Apex Predator has been caught cheating three times. Surely he’s not cheating for a fourth time, right guys?” HisWattson tweeted out sarcastically. 

He continued to say of Facilitatur’s suspicious behavior, “I’ve played against this guy a lot and I’ve literally never shot him in the back or caught him off guard. They just always know you’re coming.” 

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Wattson would go on post a clip of the player as evidence, seemingly knowing an enemy was coming at him. Wattson went on to explain how important rank 1 Predator is. 

“Rank 1 has monetary value for streamers. He is literally siphoning ad dollars/clout/subs from people who actually deserve it. Rank 1 is life-changing for top players. I went from 10 viewers to 200 from being rank 2, then from 800 to 10,000 from being rank 1.” 

He continued, “Me and ProdigyAces have both had a rank 1 taken from us by a cheater and it is especially painful to see it happen to Luxford, [JamesFearless], Shooby, Zach. It discourages other aspiring pros/content creators to grind to the top when they see this stuff run rampant.” 

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As of writing, Facilitatur has been knocked out of his number one spot anyways, dropping to fourth. Luxford, Shooby, and Zach, players HisWattson mentioned, taking his spot in the top three.