Powerful Fuse ultimate exploit gives your team massive UAV in Apex Legends

Fuse surronded by fire in Apex LegendsRespawn/EA

A new spin on Fuse’s ultimate trick in Apex Legends can give players a pseudo UAV, and you don’t have to hit something as small as a grenade this time around. 

Since being introduced back in Season 8, Fuse has struggled to make a consistent impact on the meta in Apex Legends. While his abilities, on paper, are pretty strong, the Explosives Enthusiast can feel a bit clunky at times.

The Salvo hero has had his moments in the battle royale, mostly in part thanks to his Motherlode ultimate ability, which can incase enemies in flames and stop them from getting around the map.

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In seasons gone by, players have also been able to take those flames and produce legal wallhacks with them by shooting a grenade into the sky and hitting it with the ultimate. Now, there is a different spin on things, and it’s actually even easier than before.

Fuse Heirloom Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Fuse was released in Apex Legends Season 8.

The new take on things was pointed out by Redditor Aason37, who noted that you no longer have to hit a grenade to get a better view of your surroundings. Instead, you can hit a drop-ship if there is one overhead.

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Not only will you see the enemy who is rejoining the game via the drop-ship, but you’ll also cast the net wide enough to see players in a considerable surrounding area – with some comparing to the size of Seer’s ultimate. Though, obviously, you don’t get the heads up about enemy health.

Just take a look at their second example and you’ll see that there were able to spot at least six different enemies around Command Center, so it is pretty effective.

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While it’s easier to pull off than the grenade trick, it still remains a situational thing given you’ll need a drop-ship to be overhead. And as there will likely be an enemy team in the area, you might not have the most time in the world.

Though, if you’ve got a Fuse main in your Apex squad, why not give it a whirl one time.