Odd Apex Legends glitch causes squads to get stuck in the sky

It what seems to have become a daily thing, another glitch has been discovered in Apex Legends, and this one’s causing squads of players to get stuck in the sky off spawn.

There is no denying that the pool of bugs, glitches, hacks, and exploits in Apex Legends has been growing at a steady rate since the game’s release back in February.

While most of the bugs aren’t exactly game-breaking, many of them have the potential to affect how the game is played, and cause a lot of frustration to players.

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Bug causes squads to get stuck in the sky

On May 2, a Reddit user named ‘SimpleBeings’ posted a video which showed a newly discovered bug in Apex Legends that was causing players to get stuck when trying to jump out of the deploy ship at the start of the match.

In the clip, what appears to be at least three full squads jumped out of the deploy ship, but instead of gliding down, they were all stuck on top of each other like a giant mosh pit. 

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Players were forced to wait in the sky for more than ten seconds before they could drop down to the map.

Eventually, after about twelve seconds, the players were all untangled from each other and were finally able to start their descent onto the map. 

Potential cause for why this happened

While the exact reason why these players were all stuck in the sky for more than 10 seconds remains a mystery, it could have something to do with how many jumped out right when the timer hit 00.

The large number of players could have caused a disturbance in the game that led to it glitching and forcing the players to stay glued to each other.

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However, it’s always been common practice for many squads to try and deploy right at the beginning, which begs the question about why this hasn’t been seen more frequently, if that is indeed what’s causing it.

Respawn EntertainmentDropping late from the dropship can lead to serious disadvantages for players.

Why this is an issue

Other than the fact that it must be incredibly frustrating to be stuck in the sky with a bunch of enemy players, there is a larger problem with the effects of this glitch.

The fact that all those players’ descent was delayed by over ten seconds means that they will be very much behind the pace when it comes to the initial dropping and looting phase of the game.

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If there were players who managed to deploy correctly and land right at the start, they would have had a huge advantage over those stuck players who essentially were forced to start their match late.