Mysterious QR code found in Apex Legends has players puzzled

Players have found an unexplained QR code in Apex Legends‘ new Firing Range training area, and no one seems to know what it’s for.

There are a lot of reasons for why Apex Legends is one of the most popular online games today, and one of the things that developers Respawn Entertainment have done really well is keep players intrigued with the various easter eggs they’ve planted in the game.

That did not change when Season 3: Meltdown launched on October 1, and even Senior Level Designer Rodney Reece himself has come out and said that there are still plenty of undiscovered secrets on the new World’s Edge map.

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The latest example of this is the QR code that players have noticed exists in the Firing Range area of the game – the totally revamped practice arena that was recently introduced via the v3.1 update.

The code is located on the bottom base of the dummy targets that players can practice shooting at, and was brought into the spotlight via user ‘nah_ill_pass_’ on Reddit. 

QR codes, of course, are unique black-and-white patterns fitted into a square that mobile devices have the capability of scanning for more information or a link to a website. 

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The problem with this specific one, however, is that no one has been able to scan it yet. At first glance, the obvious reason for this would seem to be the dirt that’s covering it in-game, however the user that found it tried editing out the stain and was still unable to get it to read.

And for those wondering whether the message next to the code is important, it’s actually just a generic safety warning that the developers added to increase the authenticity of the game: “APEX TARGETS, USE RESPONSIBLY. ALWAYS USE EAR PROTECTION AND EYE PROTECTION WHEN USING GUNS.”

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Respawn EntertainmentThe mysterious QR code was found in Apex Legends’ new Firing Range, which is a totally revamped version of the previous training area.

Once this started getting attention on Reddit, one user pointed out that this wasn’t the first time that Respawn had done something involving QR codes.

In fact, the previous version of the training ground, before it was revamped into the current Firing Range, also included a similar code next to an identical warning message.

Respawn EntertainmentThis isn’t the first time that Respawn have added a QR code in Apex Legends.

However, the difference with that one was that it could be scanned, and it simply provided a link to the official Apex Legends website, whereas the new code doesn’t work at all.

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That then begs the question of whether or not the fact that it can’t be scanned is actually an intentional move on the part of Respawn, who could be setting up these QR codes to work as possible future easter eggs, especially since we already know they’re into that kind of stuff.

The other likely explanation could be that the in-game dirt particles are simply rendering the code unreadable, and once someone does find a way to scan it then they will just be led to the Apex website like the previous one. 

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