Lirik’s team hilariously struggle with revives in Apex Legends

Lirik and his team struggled with revives during a match of Apex Legends, but luckily for them their opponents struggled even more.

Popular Twitch streamer Saqib ‘Lirik’ Zahid was playing Apex Legends when he got knocked in a frantic skirmish.

What should have been an easy revive quickly turned into a calamity of hilarious errors from Lirik’s teammates and the enemies they faced.

Lirik’s friend wasted valuable time figuring out that the execute enemy button is the same as the revive teammate button, the context of who you are standing over will activate the proper command. Unfortunately, there were three downed players in the room and Lirik’s teammate – in a state of panic – got the guessing game hilariously wrong.

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As Lirik laid on the ground helplessly waiting for a revive from his teammate, both players were expecting a rush from the remaining enemy.

Being caught in an execution animation would not be a good way to start a gunfight, but for some reason, the arriving enemy ignored Lirik’s team.

In what must have been frantic coms from his own teammates about picking up badges for revive, the enemy player strangely paid no attention to their surroundings.

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The revived Lirik picked up an easy headshot on the spaced-out player to escape the hilarious situation.

Apex Legends has exploded onto the Twitch scene during its launch week, picking up 10 million players and more viewers than Fortnite.

With top streamers like Lirik, shroud, and CouRage dropping into Apex, fans may see more hilarious moments in the future.