Lifeline gets massive buff in Apex Legends Awakening Collection event

lifeline apex legends collection eventRespawn Entertainment

Lifeline mains can celebrate a new buff for the character in Apex Legends Awakening Collection event, with changes coming to her Combat Revive, Heal Drone, and Care Package. 

The next Collection event is set to kick off on June 21, bringing with it a Lifeline Town Takeover and a complete rework of her abilities.

A faster Care Package cooldown is among the changes confirmed by Respawn Entertainment in a blog post. 

Other changes fans can expect to see when the update drops is a brand-new Valkyrie heirloom, making her the 14th Legend to receive one in the Apex Games.

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Lifeline buff explained: Apex Legends Awakening Collection event

The following changes have been implemented, and they are bound to be popular for Lifeline mains:

    • Moved revive cancel option from Lifeline to the player that’s getting revived.
  • D.O.C. Heal Drone
    • Healing pool increased from 150 to infinite (still lasts 20s).
    • Doubled the healing radius.
    • Cooldown reduced from 5 minutes to 3.5 minutes.
    • The weapon attachment panel now comes with a Shield Battery instead of two Shield Cells.
    • No blue beam on initial drop (will still show up after the Care Package lands).

Other balance updates have resulted in further tweaks to crafting and Out of Bounds in general, with Mirage being the only other Legend with notable changes. He can now use decoys from Valk Skydive Re-Deploy, which provides an interesting new combination for players.

Whether these changes are enough to satisfy Lifeline mains who feel that Newcastle has stolen their thunder, remains to be seen. However, her pick rate has actually already climbed above the new Season 13 Legend.

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For more information on the Awakening Collection, check out our hub here.