Insane Apex Legends play uses Wraith’s portal to score clutch victory


Some clever thinking with portals and a little dose of mind games helped this Wraith player take out a whole squad of enemy players in the waning moments of an Apex Legends match.

To truly master both patience and portals will spell the difference between victory and defeat when playing Wraith in the Apex Legends arena.

Reddit user PANCAKEMIX1O1 shared the final moments of their recent match to the Apex University subreddit, a community focused on improvement in the wildly popular battle royale game. It goes without saying that they took their enemies to school.

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With barely any room to escape from the storm circle, Wraith placed a portal right on the door leading into a full squad of adversaries, then hid in plain sight directly above them. The squad expected her to come through, but since her ultimate timer is based on movement, she stood still to let the clock run out.

With the ring set to close in just a matter of seconds, she opened the second portal right next to her, but still in the storm. With time ticking down, the squad decided to go through the portal to challenge Wraith, but only ended up in her crosshairs.

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She would knock down two of three members of the squad, and retreat to the tiny safe circle, letting the storm ring finish them off. There, she awaited the final player, another solo Legend who had downed the third of that squad, who slid into the safety of the circle, but right into the barrel of her R-99.

This Wraith player used their portal as a funnel in the final moments of their victory.

While it may appear that the clutch play was due to the squad’s decision through the portal, it’s actually because of smart placement by Wraith, who placed her rift right in front of the door, blocking the squad from going around.

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Those players were likely expecting the other portal to be placed deep inside the storm, so they were forced to wait. Ironically, if they had all jumped through the portal at once, they likely could have overpowered her.

Speaking of overpowered, clips like this raise questions about the character’s portal ultimate, specifically regarding how players can not move to keep it from timing out.

Should Wraith’s portal timer go down even if she’s not moving?

Her ultimate has been the focus of a handful of exploits in recent memory, but this facet of her ability is evidently intended to be included.

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We’ll see if her ultimate remains in its current form throughout the duration of Season 4.