ImperialHal wants Apex Legends Ranked to be more punishing to improve matches

Apex Legends ImperialHalRespawn Entertainment/Twitch: ImperialHal

TSM star Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen believes Apex Legends’ new Ranked system is a “good step forward” but he’s still got some ideas for change – especially to try and mirror ALGS matches.

Ever since Season 2, if you want to really see how you stack up against the elite players in Apex Legends, you’ve had to hit the Ranked leaderboards. Though, that hasn’t always been plain sailing for players.

Over the last few years, fans have constantly urged Respawn to make changes to Ranked. Initially, their complaints were with those players who’d hog the high spots in Apex Predator and then stop playing. Then, attention switched to how games were being set up. Gold and diamond players were able to match with bronze and able to farm pretty much every game.

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In Season 18, the battle royale devs have made a few changes to those they made in Season 17, buffing elimination bonuses, decreasing the LP gains to balance out rank distribution, and adjusting the timing of the ring.

ImperialHal wants ‘heavier’ consequences in Apex Legends Ranked

Those changes appear to have gone down well with many players, including ImperialHal. The TSM IGL called the new system a “good step forward,” but he would also like to see games have more consequences. 

“​​I disagree, there will always be a “hot drop” no matter if there’s 20 good POIs. This current ranked system is a good step forward but the consequences aren’t heavy enough yet to stop teams from dying early,” Hal said, disagreeing with his own teammate Evan ‘Verhulst’ Verhulst over the idea of adding more POIs to maps to avoid hot drops in Ranked. 

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“Think about it… what are the consequences of dying early in ALGS? Losing money… Opportunity… etc which is why there’s always so many people alive in actual tournaments. Ranked doesn’t haven’t to 1:1 mirror the consequences but it can be in its own way like heavier loss in LP or more time in Que etc just like Season 13 was.”

While some fans disagreed with the idea of tougher consequences for dying sooner and off hot drops, Hal noted that players with that mentality will end up in the same rank as each other anyway.

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“That’s fine those people will eventually de-rank and be in the lobbies of like minds and the same with higher tiers which is the point, everyone goes where they should be because of consequences,” he added. 

We’re only in the early stages of the new season, so problems could arise as things progress. Though, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.