How to use the Peacekeeper in Apex Legends: Tips, damage stats & DPS

Peacekeeper-Apex-Legends-tipsRespawn Entertainment

The Peacekeeper is capable of pumping out some incredible damage in close-quarter firefights, so we’ve got a few tips that will help you secure a dominant victory in Season 9.

There are plenty of different shotguns that you can use in Apex Legends. There’s the lightning-fast Eva 8, semi-auto Mastiff, hilariously bad Mozambique, and the ever-popular Peacekeeper. Apex Legends’ Season 9 update has made the Peacekeeper available as floor loot, meaning you won’t need to track down any Care Packages to find it. 

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While the Peacekeeper may no longer come fully kitted with the game’s best attachments, it is still capable of dishing out some ludicrous damage numbers. This is particularly true when you’re aiming for those all-important headshots. If you put in the time to mastering the gun’s intricacies, then you’ll certainly have a huge edge in close-quarter fights.

Apex Legends Peacekeeper damage stats

Peacekeeper shotgun Respawn Entertainment
The Peacekeeper is capable of dishing out some incredible damage numbers.

Before you go sprinting across Kings Canyon in pursuit of your next target, it’s important to know what kind of damage the Peacekeeper is capable of pumping out. While the Peacekeeper may have a much slower fire rate than the EVA-8 and Mastiff, it is capable of dishing out great damage. 

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To make matters even better, the tighter bullet spread of the Peacekeeper enables players to land more lethal head and bodyshots. The Peacekeeper is also currently the only shotgun that doesn’t lose its headshot multiplier outside of close-quarter ranges, meaning you can still deliver lethal hits no matter where you are. 

Of course, like most shotguns, the Peacekeeper’s damage greatly relies on you being able to land the majority of the gun’s pellets. The full damage breakdown can be found below: 

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Body Part Damage
Head 11 (1.25x) per pellet 121 (11×11) total
Body 9 per pellet 9 (9×11) total
Legs 7 per pellet 77 (7×11) total
Body DPS 9-99

Apex Legends Peacekeeper attachments

peacekeeper apex legendsRespawn Entertainment
The Peacekeeper is no longer a Care Package weapon in Season 9.

Peacekeeper Optics

  • 1x Holo
  • 1x HCOG “Classic”
  • 2x HCOG “Bruiser”
  • 1x-2x Variable Holo
  • 1x Digital Threat

Peacekeeper Shotgun Bolts

  • Common: +15% higher fire rate
  • Rare: +25% higher fire rate
  • Epic: +35% higher fire rate

The 1x Digital Threat makes seeking out targets and securing cranium kills incredibly easy. Even without the Digital Threat, the Peacekeeper is still capable of dropping even the tankiest Legends in a few hits. This is particularly true when you have the Shotgun Bolt and inbuilt Precision Choke equipped.

These attachments increase the Peacekeeper’s rate of fire and keep your shots accurate, which greatly helps you delete opponents in close-quarter fights.

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ADS for greater accuracy

Peacekeeper ADSRespawn Entertainment
Aiming down sights can greatly increase your accuracy in mid-range firefights.

One of the biggest benefits of using the Peacekeeper is its incredible accuracy. Aiming down sights further reduces the gun’s spread, giving you the opportunity to those high damage headshots. When you combine this with the fact that the Peacekeeper is the only shotgun that doesn’t lose its headshot multiplier outside of close-quarter engagements, you have an extremely lethal shotgun. 

While hip firing can net you plenty of kill in close-quarter scenarios, it’s almost always best to aim down sights. This is particularly true when your opponents are stationary or you manage to ambush them. 

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Pair the Peacekeeper with a mid to long-range weapon

SpitfireRespawn Entertainment
The recently buffed Spitfire is a good secondary option.

While the Peacekeeper’s headshot multiplier may not diminish over long-distances, we recommend taking another gun that you can rely on in the mid to long-range. After all, why bother trying to hit distant targets with the Peacekeeper when you can simply use a sniper or AR? Weapons like the R-301 Carbine, 30-30 Repeater, Spitfire, and Longbow DMR are all decent options. 

Not only will these guns enable you to consistently take down your foes, but they will also cover up the Peacekeeper’s shortcomings. Just like most shotguns, the Peacekeeper really excels in close-quarter firefights, so consider using any of the above options before you go wasting those precious Shotgun Shells.

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So, there you have it, everything you need to know about the Peacekeeper shotgun. If you follow these Peacekeeper tips & tricks, you’ll be able to secure wins in no time. Make sure you follow @TitanfallBlog for all the latest Apex Legends news and updates.