How to get to secret Olympus rooftop pathway in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Olympus rooftop pathwayRespawn Entertainment

A newly discovered Apex Legends area on Olympus gives several legends a way to get the drop on opponents (literally) without them ever being able to see you coming, all thanks to a certain rooftop.

Olympus is the new map added to Apex for Season 7, and as you probably could have guessed, it didn’t take long for players to start finding all kinds of bugs and exploits scattered around.

We’ve already seen bugged drop locations and a hilarious glitch that sends players flying across the map while using the new Trident vehicles, and now an area that definitely seems like it should be off-limits to players has started being used mid-game.

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This spot we’re talking about here would be the red roof on the building near the Turbine point of interest in the center of Olympus, a section of the map that certainly sees its fair share of fights and engagements.

The only problem is you have to fly quite a ways up to get there, but Horizon’s Gravity Lift tactical ability does the job beautifully, flinging players out on the platform to start running after taking them up just high enough.

Pathfinder’s Zipline and Octane’s jump pad have the potential to work getting you up here as well, but we haven’t seen video evidence of either of those happening just yet. Though, if you do manage to pull it off and get a clip, feel free to show us @TitanfallBlog on Twitter.

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Once up there, you can actually run up the angled roof and slide down the other side, but be warned, it is a lot bigger than it looks, so you definitely can’t hang out up there all day since a “return to the map” warning does pop up.

Olympus in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The massive red roof is hard to miss on Olympus.

Being able to traverse the roof freely like this opens up a ton of possibilities for flanking and dropping in on unsuspecting enemy teams, until Respawn somehow takes it out, which is a very likely possibility since you very well could call it a kind of exploit.

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It also helps to know where you’re headed while sliding down, since there are a few paths that will just send you straight off the map, killing you instantly, making this less of a ‘secret passage’ and more an elaborate way to throw.