How to easily complete 10,000 meter skydive challenge in Apex Legends

Wattson skydiving in Apex Legends.EA

As part of the Grand Soriée event in Apex Legends, players have to skydive 10,000 meters to complete a challenge. Here’s how to easily complete it in a matter of minutes. 

Apex Legends’ Grand Soirée Arcade Event is in full swing, and as part of the blast back to the Roaring Twenties, players are able to dabble in a variety of LTMs.

After getting underway by bringing back the widely popular ‘duos’ game mode, the Apex Legends community is excited to get stuck into all that the Grand Soirée has to offer.

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Grand Soirée Arcade Event schedule. EA
There is something for everyone within Pathfinder’s Grand Soirée.

Alongside the plethora of game modes on offer, Respawn have taken things one step further by providing challenges for players to complete while running rampant in the Apex Games.

One such challenge is to skydive 10,000 meters in the ongoing ‘LIVE.DIE.LIVE’ game mode, which allows fallen teammates to respawn on allies when the circle closes in. 

While on the surface this would be a chore to complete, one player has discovered how to use their environment to their advantage. 

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World’s Edge’s dynamic domain and changing climate has provided players with new ways to traverse the map. One such feature are geysers, which have their own dedicated location on the map.  

Each geyser will work akin to a Jump Tower, meaning that they will catapult players into the sky and prompt the skydiving animation.

By constantly doing this in a loop, players will soon be able to tick this pesky challenge off their list — as ChrisRevillas’ pointed out to the Apex Legends subreddit: “I got over 6,000 meters traveled in a couple minutes in this one match.”

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If you’re yet to complete this challenge though, you’ll need to hurry, as ‘Third Person Mode’ kicks off when game modes refresh on January 18, and new challenges will come in.

However, with some players unable to claim their challenge rewards after the most recent update, you might prefer to just crack on with normal games.