How to activate low gravity glitch in Apex Legends firing range

Apex Legends low gravity glitchRespawn Entertainment

The Apex Legends low gravity glitch has returned to the firing range, enabling players to float around once again. Although the glitch is limited to the game’s firing range, it’s perfect if you need a break from the intensity of BR matches or Arenas.

If you’re an Apex Legends player, it’s likely you enjoy the competitive aspects of the battle royale mode and love coming out on top. Unfortunately, some days it can feel like you’re losing every single gunfight and just can’t seem to pick up any kills.

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Well, the low gravity glitch has seemingly returned to the game’s firing range and it’s the perfect side-activity for when you’re not having much success in the main modes.

Although the majority of glitches in Apex Legends negatively impact the gameplay experience, there are a few that make the title even more entertaining, and this is certainly one of them.

Firing range Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The firing range can be accessed from the Apex Legends main menu.

Low gravity mode in Apex Legends

Activating low gravity in the firing range is incredibly simple and involves the Winged Avenger, Valkyrie. Just follow these few simple steps and you’ll be bouncing around the range in no time:

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  1. Enter the firing range and switch to Valkyrie.
  2. Fly up into the air using her jetpacks.
  3. Cancel her jetpack while in mid-air.
  4. Quickly switch to another Legend (Pathfinder & Horizon are recommended).
  5. Enjoy the low gravity mode!

It’s worth noting that you can use any of the game’s Legends while the low gravity glitch is active, but Pathfinder and Horizon are recommended as they have abilities that can make the experience more fluid and exciting.

Keep in mind, you can cancel low gravity at any time by switching back to Valkyrie.

Apex Legends YouTuber, Skeptation, even took the time to show how players can replicate the glitch and what kind of fun you can have using it.

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Whether Respawn will opt to fix this harmless glitch remains to be seen, but we recommend giving it a go while it’s still enabled. Remember, if you’re ever tilted from ranked games or if you’re simply not landing any shots in Arenas, make sure you hop into the practice range and activate the low gravity glitch for some instant fun.