Horizon trick makes it easy to land faster on Olympus in Apex Legends

Horizon Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends TikTok has showcased a powerful trick for Horizon that allows her to land significantly faster on Olympus and get the first shot off on her opponents.

In Apex Legends Season 13, Octane, Wraith, Bloodhound, Pathfinder, and Valkyrie have stood out as the most popular characters in the community.

Despite this, there is another Legend that’s made an impressive resurgence into the meta over the last few seasons and that’s Horizon.

The Gravitational Manipulator’s impressive mobility and AoE ultimate are definitely her strongest tools, but her Spacewalk Passive often gets overlooked.

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Well, one Apex player has discovered a unique and powerful trick involving her Passive that guarantees you’ll land quicker than your opponents on Olympus.

Horizon Apex Legends OlympusRespawn Entertainment
Horizon has a 6% pick rate in Season 13.

Powerful Horizon landing trick on Olympus is easy to execute

Horizon’s Spacewalk Passive reduces fall impacts, allowing her to maintain a slide when other Legend would have their movement canceled.

One Apex player has discovered that this ability can be used to gain a massive advantage over your opponents when landing at the Energy Depot POI on Olympus.

By using the steep curved roof from the Turbine POI, Horizon can slide down the terrain using her Passive, and bounce off the cliff face to land significantly faster than her opponents.

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As this area is packed with loot, you’re guaranteed to find a weapon and get the first shot off on your opponents. Not only that, Energy Depot is a popular hotspot, so it gives you the chance to rack up a lot of kills.

While this technique is dependent on the path of the dropship, it’s still an extremely useful trick to keep in mind if you’re a fan of Horizon.

It’s especially helpful if you’re looking to secure a 4k damage badge, as it’s easy to beam down enemies at the start of a match if they can’t fight back.

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