Gibraltar and Caustic broken after v1.1.1 Apex Legends update

The recent major update in Apex Legends was largely a popular one among the player-base, except for the part that has seemingly broken the Caustic and Gibraltar Legends. 

On April 16, Respawn Entertainment released the v1.1.1 update in Apex Legends, containing a lot of changes to various aspects of the game.

One of the areas that the changes target was Legends, more specifically giving Gibraltar and Caustic a brand new Passive Perk called Fortified, giving each Legend a 10% reduction in damage taken.

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However, players began to notice that this new Fortified perk had actually messed with the two Legends in a way that was causing their health to drop during gunfights while they still had Body Armor equipped.

Normally, when a player has Body Armor equipped, the Armor will absorb all of the damage that is inflicted upon the Legend, and only after it breaks and falls off does the Legend’s actual health start getting affected.

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Leads to bigger issue with Body Armor

While this issue with Gibraltar and Caustic is pretty serious on its own, by default, it leads to a bigger issue for players who get into gunfights against those Legends throughout the course of a match.

Players have reported on Reddit that, because some of the bullets fired are hitting those Legends’ Body Armor and some directly impacting their health, trying to figure out what kind of Armor they are wearing, and whether or not it’s been broken off yet, gets frustratingly difficult.

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“Caustic and Gibraltar are currently bugged,” writes Reddit user ‘Mitsiee.’ “You cannot see what Armor they are wearing when firing on them.”

The video below, courtesy of streamer ‘LeaonBackwardsTV,’ clearly shows this issue occurring in-game, as the player keeps getting inconsistent Body Armor feedback when firing his weapon, leading to him getting knocked and understandably frustrated.

Why is this happening, and when will it be fixed?

Since this issue has come to light, there has not been any word from Respawn about what may be causing it or when it could be fixed.

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Our best guess is that it has to do with the v1.1.1 update, which buffed the Gibraltar and Caustic, since those two Legends are the only ones that have this issue.

In fact, this is seemingly not the only damage that the v1.1.1 update caused; on April 16, players began noticing that the Gibraltar was now able to cast aside Arc Stars thrown at him, which some believed was a “secret” buff given to the Legend.

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While that theory has now been dispelled by a developer, it remains to be see how long it will take, if ever, for this new issue to be resolved.