Genius Apex Legends player clutches a win by stuffing his enemies in a cannon

Genius Apex Legends player clutches a win by stuffing his enemies in a cannonRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players continue to find new ways to win, with this play making use of Storm Point’s Gravity Cannons.

Storm Point was introduced to Apex Legends‘ map pool in Season 11, with Respawn Entertainment taking players to the lush jungles of Gaea.

With Storm Point, Respawn went in a different direction. Instead of the conventional jump towers scattered around the map, players had to make use of the Gravity Cannons to cross large areas of the map.

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A duo of Apex Legends players took full advantage of the Gravity Cannons’ launch power with an elaborate trap that ended with a massive win.

Apex Legends squad outplays final team with Wraith portal

In a short clip shared to the Apex Legends subreddit, BeanBag373_ demonstrated an ingenious strategy: Running a duo of Wraith and Octane, the two-person squad baited the final team into confronting them.

The final squad rolled up, guns blazing, but were unaware of the Wraith portal that awaited them. Entering the Dimensional Rift, it turns out BeanBag and company laid an elaborate trap that would force the final squad to take the Gravity Cannon. 

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What happened next is exactly what you’d expect — the opposing squad landed in the Gravity Cannon and was launched deep into the storm. BeanBag’s squad emerged victorious, and the game chat was ablaze with joy.

Viewers loved what they saw, with plenty of praise welcoming the return of the king since BeanBag is Apex Legends subreddit legend, with dozens of trap plays and funny moments to show for it. Funnily enough, the video reached the enemy team, with one of the players commenting: “You S.O.B that was me as that Bangalore!!”

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While it may seem like a simple outplay, it was all a part of an elaborate scheme. BeanBag spent 500 days assembling this plan, with a YouTube video to document their journey to this very moment, and it’s beautifully cinematic. 

500 days after Storm Point hit Apex Legends, BeanBag finally achieved their dream moment. Kudos to them, and be wary of any lingering Wraith portals in your matches; it might signal your untimely end.