“Game ruining” Apex Legends bug makes it impossible to do anything after crafting

Apex Legends characters surronding replicatorRespawn/EA

Apex Legends players have fallen foul of a new bug with the Replicators in Season 13 as they’re unable to do anything in random situations after using them. 

When Replicators and creating were first introduced to Apex Legends back in Season 6, many fans were wary about the impact the machines would have on looting and the pace of games.

In the seasons since their introduction, the Replicators have become a vital part of the battle royale – especially now they contain weapons. However, they’ve also had plenty of issues as well.

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Over the last few seasons, players have found themselves stuck in the Replicators, and even being teleported back to them when they’re outside the ring. Though, there’s another issue giving players headaches as it prevents them from doing anything – healing, organizing their inventory, and even using abilities.

A crafting replicator in Apex LegendsRespawn/EA
Replicators are used to craft items and now weapons in Apex Legends.

Apex Legends fan DKarl1 highlighted the problem back on July 1, but it went slightly under the radar until YouTuber Skeptation shone a spotlight on it a few days later.

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As the player showed, once they’d used a Replicator, their game became pretty much useless. While they were able to still move around, they were unable to heal, drop items, or toggle their abilities. They were essentially a sitting duck.

Other players noted that they’ve also come across the issue, that appears to have popped up more frequently following the June 30 update. “Happened to me yesterday. I’ve learned it only happens after using the crafter,” said one. “What is going on with this game?” asked another annoyed fan.

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The YouTuber noted that while it is a pretty “game ruining” bug, if it happens to you, you’ll have either have to use the Replicator again or get downed to make things return to normal.

Some players have suggested restarting the game will fix things, but that’s a pretty timely way to address things and doesn’t really work if you’re mid-session. So, keep an eye out, and hopefully Respawn fixes it before long.

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