Funny Apex Legends map perfectly sums up the game’s current state

The Apex Legends map is now a very familiar sight for millions of players, so much so that they can now pinpoint exactly what each location will entail in any given match.

The map, or ‘arena’, is known as King’s Canyon and plays host to the Apex games, where the legends battle it out to become champions.

It is based in the Titanfall universe, in an area called the Outlands, and is home to a number of different biomes, with desert, rivers, lush green areas and industrial sites. It’s a varied and expansive map.

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RespawnThe Apex Legends map is arguably getting a little stale for some players.

However, the Apex Legends map is also fairly compact. At least, in comparison to other battle royale games. With the ease of movement and zip lines that send you flying across large distances, the whole arena becomes pretty familiar, pretty quick.

Regular players will already have their preferred landing spots picked out and the areas they almost never venture too, but if you’ve not made your mind up yet, then this brilliant fan-made map might perfectly describe each area for you. 

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Shared by u/skaymonkey on the official Apex Legends Reddit, the map provides more tongue-in-cheek, but perhaps more accurate, descriptions of each named location.

u/skaymonkeyThe location names perfectly describe each area in King’s Canyon.

Some especially accurate ones are the ‘fight over the purple armor’ in Thunderdome, the panic that the ‘green stuff’ at water treatment is deadly, or the ‘let’s have a long game’ by landing at Relay.

For new players, there’s actually some good advice in this map too, such as how quiet Swamps can be, despite it’s good loot potential.

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Will Apex Legends add a new map?

With all that being said, there’s a growing desire among fans for a new map, or perhaps some changes/additions to the current one.

There were leaks of a potential night time version of the current arena, but these are yet to come to fruition. The developers have, unsurprisingly, remained tight-lipped on the potential of a new map, or map changes, but surely they have some plans in the works.