First look at secret bunkers found in Apex Legends under Kings Canyon

Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players have uncovered an early look at some of the underground bunkers that were added to Kings Canyon in Season 5.

Spoiler Warning: If you don’t want to have the story of the Season 5 Quest spoiled, you may want to avoid reading on. While the entire Quest isn’t leaked, it may ruin some of your excitement about what’s to come.

The launch of Season 5: Fortune’s Favor introduced a brand new PVE Quest into Apex Legends, where players will need to find nine pieces of a mysterious artifact to uncover more about the Broken Ghost.

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Respawn Entertainment
Many map changes were made in Season 5, including the addition of some secret bunkers in Apex Legends.

Along with these new missions, there have also been numerous underground bunkers added into Kings Canyon following the Season 5 update, which could potentially play a crucial part in this Season’s Quest.

While only one of the bunkers is currently accessible to players, which can be found near the cliffs of the underwater Skulltown, the rest have remained locked with seemingly no way to gain access.

However, some Apex Legends players have now managed to get an early look at what awaits inside some of the bunkers, by using Crypto’s drone to glitch through the new hatches which have been scattered at different POI across the map.

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One player u/xKnightress was among the first to get inside the Slum Lakes hatch, and they took the time remaining on the drone to have a quick look around the tunnels below.

The underground bunker was much bigger than expected, and there was one room in particular that piqued the interest of many.

There appears to be some sort of chamber towards the back of the bunker, with some suggesting that it may be where players will need to bring the Quest’s artifact once it has been completed.

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Apex data miner Biast12 revealed another loot bunker and claimed that while this portion of the underground tunnels had not been made available yet, it was not likely to be used in the Season Quest.

It still remains unclear when exactly these bunkers will be accessible in Season 5, although many Apex players. particularly Caustic mains, are eager for them to open.