Crazy Apex Legends bug that changes your legend mid-game still not fixed

Respawn Beacon in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players can’t believe a terrible bug that completely changes the legend you’re playing with has resurfaced, with many urging Respawn Entertainment to roll out a fix. 

A number of in-game issues have been discovered since Season 2 started, although unlike recent problems with Revenant’s hitbox and legends being able to use melee attacks when knocked, this has been a problem featured in the game for quite some time.

It’s unclear as to how regular, or rare, this glitch is but the impact of it is quite shocking – and could prevent players from being crowned Champions of the arena as well.

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Dropship in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Apex Legends players have noticed a problem with respawning – and it’s not really a new issue.

Many Apex Legends tend to stick to one main character, perfecting their skills and adapting their game based on the abilities each legend has at their disposal.

If you’re that type of player, and not one who likes to switch things up and battle with different characters regularly, you might be annoyed to run into this respawn bug.

Essentially, once players have been knocked down and eliminated, they have noticed – as seen in a Reddit post from user RCuber – the Respawn Ship can sometimes drop them back into the Apex Games as a totally different legend.

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The problem was discovered, and covered by Dexerto, back in November 2019 where one member of the community noticed a teammate who mains Octane had respawned as Gibraltar. This time, though, it has impacted two different legends, as a Mirage came back into the action as a Bloodhound.

As of the time of writing, there is no mention of this particular problem being fixed in a future update – according to Respawn’s Trello board.

There’s no doubt, though, that players would like to see developers look closely at this problem and resolve it sooner rather than later. After all, it’s been around for quite some time already.

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