Clever Apex Legends trick makes Horizon faster in the air

horizon apex legendsRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends rewards players who mix up their movements throughout a match, and a trick with Horizon gives her a boost in mid-air unlike any other character.

Horizon has been a fan-favorite ever since she came out with the Season 7 update, especially since her passive ability, Space Walk, gives her increased movement control in the air to outplay opponents.

The passive is so effective, it can give Horizon a boost out of combat as well. With the different highs and lows in Apex’s terrain, there’s ample opportunity to get the most out of the character by strafing in the air.

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Reddit user ‘Dailivel’ saw that the Gravitational Manipulator can take a little bit from Counter-Strike by going a bit fast in air to cross longer distances from high altitudes.

The clip shows the difference between simply holding W to go forward while in air and strafing left-to-right during your fall. The latter gives you a sizable gap in distance for people who are willing to air strafe.

“If you play Horizon it might be a good idea to learn proper air strafing, as she’s about the only legend that can increase her speed midair by chaining multiple strafes,” Dailivel said.

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Since Horizon’s ult gives you more air control, she can chain multiple strafes to build momentum throughout her fall, the user said. Like most movement tricks, this is highly situational for players to pull off, but it could pay dividends.

horizon apex legendsRespawn Entertainment
Horizon’s ability kit gives her ample room for outplay potential.

It won’t always be worth it to land further, but Apex can be a game of inches at times and this technique can deliver when it’s needed the most.

Couple this with her ult or even Octane’s ult, and you can have these opportunities to scale longer terrain and make plays in an instant.

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Savvy Apex Legends players take every tactical advantage to get an edge in the battle royale, and Arenas, like this trick with Horizon.