Caustic hit with major Apex Legends Season 12 nerfs after high elo revival

Respawn Entertainment

Caustic has seen a high elo revival in Apex Legends ⁠— but Respawn is nipping it in the bud in Season 12. The Toxic Trapper is getting some major nerfs to try and curb his influence, even if his casual playrate is dwindling.

Caustic has been slowly creeping up the Apex Legends tier list in Season 11.

He isn’t necessarily a popular choice among casuals; Caustic only boasts a 3.2% pick rate since the last major update. However, among high level players and pros, the Toxic Trapper is experiencing a renaissance.

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His pick rate in the ALGS playoffs was as high as 40% in Europe, and he was one of the top five most played Legends globally for the Split 1 2022 finals. His ability to control parts of the zone and fuel chaos in the final circle has been exploited by the best.

Caustic Legend ApexRespawn Entertainment
Caustic’s traps will be less potent in Apex Legends Season 12.

However, that power will be toned back in Apex Legends Season 12 with some major nerfs affecting the Toxic Trapper’s ability to lockdown areas.

Caustic traps will be destroyable even after being deployed ⁠— although the exact health of the barrels hasn’t been released.

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While they can be shot to activate, you can destroy them before the 13 seconds is up if you unload a few extra bullets into it. When pushing into a Caustic, this is a big boon as his unbreakable defenses have been quite punishing.

The Caustic change is one of many launching in Apex Legends Season 12. While all eyes are on Mad Maggie and the new Olympus rework, Crypto is getting a significant buff while Pathfinder’s long-awaited passive rework is potentially on its way.

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Gibraltar is also poised for nerfs, and so too the “scan meta” with Bloodhound, Valkyrie, and Seer.