Brilliant Apex Legends idea makes Survival items easier to access on controller

Apex Legends Survival ItemsRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends fan has come up with a brilliant idea that would make Survival Items much easier to access for controller players.

There are plenty of items to choose from in Apex Legends. There are of course the usual damage-dealers such as weapons and grenades that help you take down your enemies. But, there are also healing and utility items such as Med Kits and Cell Shields that make sure to keep you alive.

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Additionally, there are items that don’t fall under those two categories, but instead do much more.

Survival items, with their unique uses, can be the difference of life and death, that’s why controller players are wanting easier access to them. And thanks to one particular fan, there might be a way to do it.

Apex Legends Survival ItemsRespawn Entertainment
Survival items can come in clutch when used properly.

Apex Legends fan comes up with a brilliant idea for survival item access

Due to survival items being a relatively new addition to Apex Legends, controller players have been stuck with the issue of having to choose a keybind for it. This is because the button that players use to activate the item, the left d-pad, is also the same button that is used to inspect their weapon. This makes it so the players have to choose between the two.

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In response to this, an Apex Legends fan has come up with the prefect solution that would allow players to access both their survival items and be able to inspect their weapons.

Brought up by Redditor IFlanxI, the user posted a picture of the game’s item wheel and asked, “would anyone else like to see survival items here?” Seemingly suggesting that the wheel could be utilized for survival items as well.

They added that with this change players wouldn’t “have to choose between inspect animation and quick access to survival items.”

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This idea was echoed by other Apex Legends fans in the Reddit post, with one stating, “I’m very very surprised I haven’t seen this idea before. It’s awesome.” While another said, “I feel like this would be a sick addition.”

It’s not the first time players have suggested ideas pertaining to Survival items and it most likely won’t be the last. Only time will tell if Respawn Entertainment will actually implement some of them.

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