Bizarre Apex Legends glitch could hint at upcoming killcam addition

Respawn Entertainment

A strange glitch is appearing during Apex Legends matches, which could indicate that a long-awaited killcam feature might be finally on the way.

Most FPS fans should be familiar with the concept of a killcam, which allows you to watch from the POV of the person who eliminated you as they took their fatal shots.

It certainly helps for finding out where enemies are and cutting down on camping in games like Overwatch and Call of Duty, but it’s not as common in battle royales such as Apex – but this could be changing, based on a new clip.

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Reddit user ‘JjohnsWVU’ posted the above clip, which shows a “Skip Replay” option after Lifeline has been knocked down by the circle.

Jjohns hypothesized the glitch might signal that killcams are finally coming to Apex, a feature that some players have been requesting since release.

Killcams in Apex might not help you combat campers as in CoD, but it would do a great job of making sense out of those matches where you’re knocked 0.5 seconds after landing.

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Mirage looking down weapon barrel in Apex Legends.PlayApex (Twitter)
A killcam could make those confusing early-round eliminations a little less baffling.

However, as some users pointed out, if we consider the game that Apex is heavily based on, Titanfall 2, than an upcoming killcam could be much less likely.

“This game [Apex] uses a modified Titanfall 2 engine,” a user by the name of ‘piracyisnotavictemle’ pointed out in the comments. “This is just a leftover asset bugging itself in.”

Piracy is correct that both Apex and Titanfall 2 run on the Source engine, and the second Titanfall also featured a killcam that players could skip by hitting X (or A on Xbox and Space on PC). However, this interaction isn’t the same prompt as what’s given to players in Titanfall 2 killcams.

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Titanfall 2 prompts players to “Respawn” while the message in Apex says to “Skip Replay”.

As you can see in the above screenshot from Titanfall 2, it’s killcam prompts players to “Respawn,” not “Skip Replay,” as we saw in Jjohn’s clip. If it were just a leftover asset “bugging itself in,” then why would the text change?

While this clip isn’t definitive proof that Apex will be getting killcams added anytime soon, it definitely puts the possibility of it happening out there.