Bizarre Apex Legends bug lets players dual wield different guns

apex legends cheatersElectronic Arts

Apex Legends introduced akimbo, or dual-wield, guns in Season 22 for the P2020 or Mozambique, and one player found a bug that let them dual-wield both sidearms at once.

Respawn intended for players to only be able to dual wield the same weapon, making the Mozambique and P2020 even more formidable in the new season. The Akimbo versions of the weapons have been well received by the player base, as they can be game-changing on the right Legend in certain scenarios.

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However, one player has discovered a bug that allowed them to wield for the P2020 and Mozambique simultaneously in their dual-wield form. In a post on Reddit, the player detailed that the bugged Akimbo weapons even had the correct reload animations.

“They shot how they were supposed to lol, one shotgun spread and one pistol round one after the other,” the player explained.

While the player who posted the bug had no idea how he triggered it, a Reddit user in the thread explained that Ballistic – thanks to his passive that allows him to hold three weapons at a time – has a high chance of causing these glitches.

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“Ballistic has a higher chance of getting bugged with the akimbo, there’s a chance to do it with every weapon and one of the akimbo weapons,” the user said.

While the bug looks like it could be a fun strategy if pulled off consistently, the player who found it said the shooting was “sporadic and weird.” They said the weapons still fired off one after another so it felt slower than when dual-wielding the same gun.

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“Not only that but the magazine size is 13 (unlike the 16 you see in the corner) and you have to reload with three ‘shots left’, it’s the worst of both worlds,” the player said.

Ballistic has been one of the worst Apex Legends characters for a few seasons, as his kit is underwhelming compared to his counterparts. While this bug is intriguing, it doesn’t give players more reason to play him than they usually would despite how bizarre and unique it is.

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