Best Apex Legends map locations that got destroyed

Apex Legends skull townRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends has an array of incredible POIs across World’s Edge, Kings Canyon, Storm Point, and Olympus, but some of the best have either disappeared or been destroyed.

Over the years, the maps in Apex Legends have been overhauled and updated to keep the experience fresh for players while they’re battling in the Outlands.

Unfortunately, that means certain POIs had to be replaced or destroyed to make way for new locations.

Despite not being a part of the game, these past areas have become iconic spots within the community and are widely spoken about, with a lot of players calling on Respawn to bring them back.

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So, without further ado, let’s take a trip back in time and take a look at some of the best POIs that have been lost with time.

5. Cascades

The Cascades POI in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The Cascades POI in Apex Legends.

A truly old-school location, the original Cascades was only around for the first season of Apex Legends and was located just south of The Farm.

This vibrant POI was packed with a set of small houses connected by wooden bridges, opening up opportunities for long-distance combat between squads.

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With it being only a Mid-tier loot location, it wasn’t the most popular spot on Kings Canyon, but there was always plenty of squads to make the opening of a match interesting.

Cascades was destroyed in Season 2 with the construction of the ECHO outpost and although some players still mention its name, the majority seem to have forgotten that it ever existed.

4. Capitol City

Capitol City Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The Capitol City POI in Apex Legends.

Back in Season 3, Capitol City was the hot drop spot on World’s Edge with countless players diving down into the urban landscape to get a taste of the action.

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Not much has changed nearly nine seasons later, with Fragment East and West still being unbelievably crowded with players at the start of a match.

Although Fragment is incredibly similar to Capitol City, there was no fissure in the old location so it meant the chaotic gunfights were even more intense.

However, as the overhauled Fragment is so popular and still incorporates a lot of the buildings that were part of Capitol City, it’s a POI that’s rarely mentioned or missed by the community.

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3. Train Yard

Trainyard Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The Train Yard POI in Apex Legends.

Made up of countless old train carriages stacked up on top of each other and a few suspended in the air, Train Yard was a POI that allowed players to thrive no matter what style of play they preferred.

With potential sniper spots up above and enclosed spaces with big windows that made it hard to camp, the area encouraged players to hunt down their opponents or take a more tactical approach from above.

Alongside the carriages was a huge factory-like building that was a perfect power position to hold down with your squad while the ring drew closer.

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However, after the Season 10 update, a seismic event destroyed the location and turned it into the Landslide POI we know today.

2. Sorting Factory

Sorting Factory Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
The Sorting Factory POI in Apex Legends.

Although Lava Siphon is a hugely popular POI in the current version of World’s Edge, a lot of players miss the action-packed experience that was a Sorting Factory drop back in the day.

Not only was the expansive area filled with top-tier loot, but it also allowed for isolated gunfights between squads due to the huge extended factory building.

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With enclosed spaces for close-quarter combat and long sightlines for sniping, Sorting Factory was an exciting POI that was definitely slightly slower-paced than Lava Siphon.

1. Skull Town & Thunderdome

Skull Town and ThunderdomeRespawn Entertainment
The Skull Town and Thunderdome POI in Apex Legends.

Without a doubt, the most iconic POI in Apex Legends history is Skull Town and its sister location Thunderdome, which are praised by the community on a daily basis.

Fast-paced, chaotic, and fun, Skull Town was a bloodbath in every Kings Canyon match before its removal in Season 5. The plus-shaped POI was made up of a four-lane area and contained multiple buildings and several levels to traverse.

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This made the area extremely fun to drop into and the giant skeleton that surrounded the town only added to the location’s epic visuals.

Although Skull Town made a return with the original Kings Canyon in the Genesis Collection event for a short time, it’ll be interesting to see if Respawn decides to make the area a permanent POI again in a future update.

So there you have it: those are our top five POIs that have been destroyed or have disappeared during map updates or overhauls in Apex Legends.

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It’s safe to say they’ll be more iconic locations to add to the list in the future and who knows, one of the above may even make a return.

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