Apex Legends YouTuber shows why Horizon’s bunny hops can lead to wins

Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends YouTuber ‘The Gaming Merchant’ showed why Season 7 Legend, Horizon, has the best bunny hop in the game that can be a really big advantage if used correctly.

The longtime Apex content creator saw that Horizon’s bunny hop has a unique attribute to her, which essentially lets her get to full strafe speed much quicker than any other Legend in the game.

“When you combine bunny hopping and Horizon, some crazy things can end up happening,” The Gaming Merchant said, explaining how she had the most “efficient bunny hop style” out of the cast of characters.

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Since the Gravitational Manipulator has great air control built into her, she can chain these hops in a consistent manner that lets players rapidly skid across the map at a constant pace, according to the YouTuber.

horizon apex legends season 7 new characterRespawn Entertainment
Horizon has already proven to have great mobility among the cast of Apex Legends characters.

The YouTuber explained that it usually takes Legends “three hops per turn to get maximum momentum from air strafes.” However, Horizon can get to her max strafing movement in just one hop per turn.

In practice, that means that players don’t have to mix up their movement to achieve the fastest b-hops; instead, they can calculate exactly what path they want to take, knowing that Horizon can reach max speed in any direction.

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Showing off how the mechanic works in live matches, The Gaming Merchant can be seen absolutely running circles around entire teams without skipping a beat.

Even more impressive is how Horizon’s bunny hops can still be seamlessly chained even if she falls from high places. While her unique hops amp up her attack, being able to hop away at max speed from a fall can lend a hand when trying to escape a chasing opponent.

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Seeing as how diversity in your movement can make or break a match in Apex Legends, this could be a game-changer for Horizon mains if used correctly.

We’ve already seen some tricks uncovered with Horizon’s ability kit, like the Gravity Lift in certain places, that gives her tricky moves to deal with as an opponent.

Now it looks like Apex Legends players have another way to squeeze out that extra movement speed from the game’s latest character to join the battle royale.

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