Apex Legends update targets cheaters with new Ranked party restrictions

Apex Legends posing in the cameraRespawn

Apex Legends’ devs have rolled out an update that targets cheaters with new Ranked Party restrictions to stop hackers from quickly getting into high-ranked lobbies. 

Throughout Season 20, Apex has had a massive wake-up regarding its hacking problem as it was highlighted on its biggest stage. And as the devs move past the hack, a new update has been rolled out to further curb cheaters. 

Announced by Respawn on April 8, the devs were rolling out a new update that adds new Ranked party restrictions which should help stop cheaters from easily queuing into high-ranked lobbies. 

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“Ranked parties now have a limit of a 3-rank tier difference between players,” Respawn wrote about the new update. Additionally, they fixed several issues with Ranked badges, connection errors, and bugs with the update. 

With this update, it should make it harder for cheaters looking to ruin high-level lobbies to do so as it means a low-rank account can’t exactly queue with and into a Master and Apex Predator lobby. 

However, the new Ranked party restrictions are not the only steps Respawn could take to curb cheaters in Ranked as raising the level requirement for Ranked back up to 50 could make it harder for cheaters.

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As Cloud9’s pro player Naughty outlined, “This should help the cheater issue as opposed to just raising the level cap for Ranked back to 50 (which will fix it entirely).” Although he says he’ll take “anything we can get” update-wise. 

Respawn’s new roll of consistent updates to curb cheaters and bolster the game’s security comes after the ALGS NA Finals was disrupted by a hack that caused concerns about the game’s security and its rampant cheating problem. 

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