Apex Legends trick with Crypto’s drone makes it harder to destroy

Crypto's drone marking a target in apexRespawn Entertainment

A clever movement trick has been found with Crypto’s Drone in Apex Legends, making it much harder for opponents to shoot and destroy the flying surveillance device. Here’s how you can try it for yourself.

Every character in Apex Legends has a unique set of abilities that can give them an advantage in gunfights they take in the battle royale, and Crypto’s skills are focused around his surveillance drone.

While Crypto is one of the least played characters out of the Apex Games cast, his drone can be useful to scout out any enemies and mark them for allies in-game.

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Crypto at table in Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
A movement trick has been found for Crypto’s drone.

Although his Drone EMP ultimate ability is quite effective, it can be tricky to pull off, as the drone can be shot out of the air before it gets close enough. However, Apex players have now found a trick with Crypto that could make his abilities much more useful than before.

As Crypto’s drone makes up a lot of his kit, seeing an enemy destroy it before getting the chance to use it can be incredibly frustrating, but this tactic makes it harder to target.

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Apex player u/LiTozaVr shared the tip that could improve your flying skills and make it difficult to lock onto the drone, by decreasing the number of sharp turns you make, which slows the drone down, and allowing you to “ground surf.” Here’s how to try it:

How to make Crypto’s drone harder to destroy

  1. Deploy your drone when playing as Crypto.
  2. Use the vertical descent button (CTRL, B, or Circle) until the drone reaches the ground.
  3. Keep the vertical descent button pressed when moving along the ground.
  4. While flying the drone, you can gain a bit of acceleration by changing the vertical position of the camera.
  5. To achieve the maximum speed of this acceleration, you need to hold the camera at about a 25-30 degree angle.
  6. By doing this, you should be able to build your speed up with each turn and the momentum will cancel out any sharp turns the drone will take.

So, there you have it. Once you follow these steps you should be able to learn the clever technique and improve your Crypto skills for future matches.

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As this trick can be quite difficult to master, it might be worth practicing it in the Firing Range before trying it in a real match.