Apex Legends to “soft launch” on mobile by end of 2020

Apex Legends on mobileRespawn Entertainment

EA is eyeing a “soft launch” for Apex Legends on mobile at the end of 2020, finally bringing their successful battle royale to portable devices worldwide.

Respawn has already been working to bring Apex to new platforms or services that would let an entire community of players experience the game for the first time. During the EA Play Live presentation, we got word that their title would soon come to Nintendo Switch and Steam services.

But the expansion into other platforms isn’t stopping there, as EA is looking to launch an iOS and Android for their 60-player king of the hill.

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EA CEO Andew Wilson went over the mobile business development at the company during a June 22 Investor Fireside Chat, via ApexLatest, in which he discussed the successful game branching into the portable arena.

“Mobile in particular is a category that spans across all of that,” Wilson said of EA’s intentions with that sector. “We have PvZ 3 in soft launch, we’ve talked about having Apex Legends by the end of this year.”

Respawn Entertainment
More people will experience Apex Legends once it comes out on mobile.

This was a comment to note for a lot of Apex fans and interested parties, since the mobile iteration of the game had been a rumor up until this point.

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While there have been rumblings of a port for a while, not to mention plenty of fan-support, little news has been provided on that front.

The call was the first official confirmation for an Apex Legends mobile release date that has come out of EA.

This only adds to the Apex blitz that the publisher is planning for 2020. With a beta version of Apex mobile set for late 2020 and a full release in early 2021, this completes the gamut of platforms the game will run on.

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With crossplay also coming in the last quarter of the year, multiple communities will be able to party up and load into the same servers. Players across consoles, PC (Origin and Steam), and possibly the upcoming mobile version will be able to take part in the same game.

There’s bound to be more interest in Apex Legends’ upcoming port and EA is bound to announce more information once it gets closer to release.