Apex Legends voice actors surprised by fans in Titanfall cosplay

apex legends titanfall cosplayElectronic Arts

During Minneapolis’ Twin Cities Con, a group of fans met Apex Legends voice actors while donning Titanfall cosplay.

Though Titanfall sits on the sidelines for the time being, fans never miss an opportunity to celebrate the franchise that helped spawn the creation of Apex Legends.

These celebrations often manifest in fan art and the occasional campaign to revive Titanfall in some capacity. Of course, cosplay serves as another way for series faithful to express their fandom.

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And thanks to conventions, some get to showcase their creations in front of those directly involved in breathing life into the fictional universe.

Fans in Titanfall cosplay pose with Apex Legends voice actors

Redditor IMC-Spyglass and a group of friends dressed in their fan film costumes for Twin Cities and were able to take a photo with Apex’s Lifeline (Mela Lee) and Octane (Nicolas Roye) voice actors.

Notably, the group donned Titanfall pilot cosplay, specifically “a mix of IMC militia” and Gates, the latter of whom is a 6-4 section commander.

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The pilot suits look nothing short of impressive. IMC-Spyglass noted in a follow-up post that each costume is comprised of “EVA foam, Kydex, and 3D-printed parts.” They’ll definitely shine on camera in the group’s live-action Titanfall fan film.

Titanfall has enjoyed a few wins in Apex Legends throughout the last year and change. The Legend Valkyrie, introduced during the battle royale’s ninth season, has ties to Titanfall 2, for example.

In addition, recent leaks suggest Titanfall maps will join Apex Legends for a new LTM sometime in the future. If and when such an update will actually go live presently remains a mystery.

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