Apex Legends streamer permanently banned after bragging about exploit

apex legends dying pathfinderRespawn Entertainment

An Apex Legends Streamer goaded the developers to ban him after using an exploit, and Respawn’s Senior Producer granted his wish.

In early January, Chris Bruzzo, EA Chief Officer, claimed banning cheaters is at the top of the Apex team’s priority list. Bruzzo elaborated that eliminating cheating is one of the best ways to reduce toxicity in games.

Improvements to anti-cheat is something that the Apex community has sought for a while, and members of the development team has even taken matters into their own hands. Respawn Entertainment Senior Producer Josh Medina is active on social media and keeps a his hand on the pulse of what’s going on within the community.

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So when an Apex Legends streamer dared the developers to ban him for using an exploit, Medina immediately sprung into action.

Apex Legends streamer permanently banned for config exploit

Valkyrie Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
An Apex Legends player was banned for using a config exploit.

Apex Legends streamer TylerHiits called out fellow streamer MOOMAN for “borderline cheating.”

TylerHiits explained that MOOMAN was using “something in configs that give him a clear advantage with the gun not blocking anything on the screen.” TylerHiits elaborated that the exploit only removes gun clutter from the screen and doesn’t actually make the user invisible.

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MOOMAN added, “let me relive season 0-1, I don’t care if I get banned.”

Medina responded, “bet,” and proceeded to issue a permanent ban to the streamer’s account.

MOOMAN was shocked by the ban and claimed, “no one has ever been banned for configs, and all exploit bans I have seen have been small short bans. That’s what I was expecting, if anything.”

Not many people in the comment section sympathized with the streamer, as community members believed MOOMAN got what he asked for.

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We will provide an update on the situation and if the developers decide to change the initial ruling.