Apex Legends streamer Mande blasts Respawn for “miserable” state of the game

Mande of SCARZ in front of Apex Legends map Storm PointRespawn Entertainment

TSM streamer Mikkel ‘Mande’ Hestbek says he wants to return to playing Apex Legends competitively, but he’s got a few issues with the changes Respawn has made to the battle royale. 

As with every esport across the board, there are a number of pros who decide to do something else after a stint competing – be that moving to another game completely or just playing a little more casually. 

In the case of Mande, the Danish star has represented a number of different teams in the past few years, but hasn’t competed since the 2023 ALGS Split 1 Playoffs in London. There, he played for Alliance, but has since switched to being a sub and streaming under the TSM umbrella instead.

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He has revealed that he’d like to compete again at some point, but he wants Respawn to change a few things up first. 

Mande wants to compete in Apex Legends but needs to see changes first

The topic of competing again came up during a recent stream, where some viewers questioned if Mande has lost the “passion” to compete. 

“I didn’t lose my passion for comp, they just don’t know to make a f*cking game,” the Dane said. “Do I miss comp? I do. But, I’m not going to play it until they know how to make a proper f*cking game. 

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“Why would I play comp right now and make myself miserable and f*cking depressed because I have to play this game every single day and do my best and be the best? And then you have to sit and play Seer and the same f*cking guns over again because it’s the most OP dogs*it they ever added to the game.”

He also agreed with ImperialHal’s take that the recent Seer nerfs actually turned around to buff the Recon legend which will ultimately need to be addressed before long. 

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Mande further noted that he’d get stuck back into his grind toward Predator when Respawn adds a “good system” for it. So, we’ll have to wait and see how long that takes exactly.