Apex Legends streamer HisWattson pledges Twitch ad revenue to gamers in need

HisWattson Apex LegendsALGS

Popular Apex Legends Twitch streamer Jacob ‘HisWattson’ McMillin has pledged to give all of his advertising revenue from the site to gamers in need.

Not every day on the internet can be a positive one. But it’s always great to see when some go the extra mile to do good in the world.

Streamers especially have done fantastic jobs supporting charities and communities throughout the years. We’ve seen tons of Twitch charity events sometimes raising hundreds of thousands, if not millions for those in need.

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Now, Apex Legends streamer HisWattson is looking to help out his community, pledging to donate all future ad revenue from Twitch to gamers in need.

HisWattson vows to give Twitch ad revenue

In a now-deleted tweet on October 15, the popular Apex Legends pro explained why you’ll never see mid-roll ads on his channel.

Revealing in a screenshot he’s incentivized by the platform, running just one minute of ads per hour will earn HisWattson a staggering $20k per month on the low end if he streams 190 hours a month. Running 4 minutes of ads per hour would boost that figure up to $59k.

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Instead of letting it all go to waste, one fan suggested he uses the money to give back to his community, which Wattson thought was a great idea.

“Have decided that I will be running ads on my channel and spending it on giving gaming equipment to people in my community who cant afford to buy it themselves,” he wrote on Twitter.

He continued: “No idea how to do this or what my taxes are gonna look like but I’m gonna make it happen.”

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The gaming community so far has shown a ton of love and support for the streamer, with many praising him.

Hopefully, more creators will follow in Wattson’s footsteps in the future and give back to those who need it.