Apex Legends streamer banned on stream apparently for using ‘ult dash’ movement exploit

Apex Taxi banRespawn Entertainment/Taxi2g

Apex Legends streamer Svend-Erik ‘Taxi2g’ Høegh has apparently been perma-banned for using the ‘ult dash’ movement exploit.

In early January, a speed glitch was discovered in Apex Legends that allowed players to boost forward an unlimited amount of times. The exploit involves players triggering their Ultimate start-up animation, then hitting the melee key, and then finally swapping weapons.

If the trick is perfectly-timed, a Legend will propel forwards a short distance, allowing players to dodge bullets and outmaneuver their opponents.

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Despite this, Respawn didn’t respond to the glitch or give any indication that the issue was going to be fixed, so a lot of content creators and players began using it in their matches.

One of which was popular Apex streamer Taxi2g who was banned seemingly out of the blue on January 12. Although there’s been no confirmation that he was banned for using the exploit, he and his viewers seem to think that’s the reason for the punishment.

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Taxi2g banned ApexRespawn Entertainment
Taxi attempted to make a second account but that was quickly banned as well.

Taxi2g permanently banned from Apex on stream

While heading into a Ranked game with his squadmates on January 12, Taxi2g was banned live on stream. During the load screen for a match, he received the error message: “The client’s game account has been banned: Banned.”

Of course, this caught Taxi completely off-guard as he had no idea what he had done to deserve the punishment.

After receiving the penalty, Taxi realized that he had not received any emails from EA or Respawn notifying him of the reason for the ban. So, he decided to make another account and continue playing.

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Unfortunately, this account was quickly suspended after a few matches along with the third he made shortly after. It was at this point that Taxi and his viewers began to speculate that his ban may be due to his use of the ‘ult dash’ exploit.

However, with no confirmation from Respawn, it’s hard to know whether that’s the case.

On January 13, Taxi did receive a reply related to his ban, saying he’d been suspended for breaking “EA’s gameplay rules,” but there was no specific mention of the exploit.

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Although all the evidence points towards an exploit ban, some are claiming that other creators have openly admitted to utilizing the ‘ult dash’ glitch and have not been punished.

This suggests it could be related to another in-game offense, but with Respawn refusing to provide a detailed explanation, it’s impossible to know.

There’s a possibility Taxi has been banned as he performed the exploit on stream in front of his viewers, but it would be strange for Respawn to only punish streamers for abusing the bug.

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Either way, let’s hope Taxi gets an explanation for the ban in the near future and hopefully the devs can patch out the bug before any other players are punished.