Apex Legends Ranked exploit boosts players to Predator

Apex Legends Ranked ExploitRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Ranked players have been found using a boosting exploit via the use of Med Kits to gain an average of 100+ LP per game as they surge up the ranks to Predator.

Respawn Entertainment returned with fresh updates for Apex Legends Ranked when Season 18 launched on August 8. Various changes were made to tackle the problems that cropped up in the competitive mode of the game in Season 17, with pro player ImperialHal stating it is a “good step forward”.

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While Ranked matches aren’t for every Apex player, they are ideal for fans of the game who want to challenge and continually improve their skills in a competitive environment. 

The ultimate goal for competitors is to reach the highest rank of Predator, which there is only a very limited number of spots for and can take months if not years to achieve.

In order to rank up, players earn Ladder Points(previously known as Ranked Points/RP) after every single Apex Ranked game, following high team placements and any bonus points achieved.

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During this season, Ranked players have been found to be exploiting the LP scoring system to boost their ranks via the use of healing in the game.

Apex players are abusing Ranked boosting exploit

After investigating the exploit, Apex content creators HisWattson and Jayami have outlined exactly how people are abusing the exploit to gain over 100 LP each game.

“You can easily hit pred with this strat.” HisWattson said.

It involves users collecting as many healing items as they can, such as Syringes and in particular Med Kits for stronger storms, and then constantly using them after they take damage to heal themselves while in the storm.

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Teams of three are making use of different Legend abilities, by using Cypto’s abilities to to make sure they don’t run into any enemies, Loba to help gather resources and as the others ultimately fall, Lifeline can still use her own healing abilities to last right till the end.

Boosters can therefore secure top-tier placements without ever firing their guns and can earn easily over 100 LP per game.

With a first-place placement earning you 150 LP and 100 for second, this compared with any bonus points achieved makes it no surprise that fans are rushing to Ranked to try it themselves.

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“Had this happen with a random fill on Day 1 of this season. My teammate and I thought we were getting trolled.” A commentor said.

It will be interesting to see if and when Respawn introduces a hot fix for the exploit who at the time of writing has made no updates or announcements regarding this.