Apex Legends pros take revenge against cheaters with new vigilante squad

Apex Legends in game imageRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends pros take revenge against “gigacheaters” by forming a 15-man vigilante squad to kill the hacker. 

It’s an unfortunate reality in Apex that cheaters aren’t rare to find, with various pros and content creators regularly posting videos of these pesky hackers in their matches. 

Be it a horde of bots hunting ImperialHal down, or HisWattson calling out the devs about the pains of playing against cheaters in his lobbies, it’s often a big talking point.

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The devs have taken steps to clamp down on cheaters, with a massive ban wave happening back in September 2023, however, it seems that cheating isn’t gone just yet as many instances of cheating are still taking place to this day.

Pros are now taking matters into their own hands it seems, forming vigilante kill squads to hunt down cheaters in their Pred lobbies.

In a stream clip posted by lou, a player for Complexity, we can see him IGL-ing a 15-man kill squad, all in an attempt to kill a single cheater. And in his squad, we can see some notable names, with gdolphn and Mande.

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“15 PROS TEAMED UP IN A PRED LOBBY TO S*** ON THE GIGACHEATERS!” lou captioned his tweet. 

Huddled together in a building on Olympus, the squad attempted to overwhelm the cheater by jumping on them all at once, as if you can shoot one player at a time, you can’t shoot all of them at once. 

However, the cheater was able to teleport away from the vigilante squad once they jumped on them and subsequently crashed the server to not let lou and his gang get the satisfaction of killing them. 

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Despite the pros laughing the incident off, cheating is still a problem in Apex with regular occurrences of cheating in Predator-level lobbies. So perhaps we’ll be seeing more vigilante super squads soon.