Apex Legends pros show how Gibraltar can easily outplay entire teams

apex legends GibraltarRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players are getting craftier with Gibraltar every day and we’re starting to see insane outplays from pro players that bamboozle entire squads — with two big plays from Albralelie and Lou taking the cake.

Despite the size of characters like Gibraltar, pros have thrived with the Legend by compensating for his stocky build by optimizing how they use his defensive ability kit. By playing with sneaky angles and pushing the limits of his Dome Shield, Gibby can be surprisingly flexible in Apex.

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Being in 1v3 is never a great situation. But some players like Sentinels’ Trenton ‘lou’ Clements and TSM’s Mac ‘Albralelie’ Beckwith show how you can use the Shielded Fortress to turn the tide and send opponents running.

Albralelie limit testing Dome Shields

As a solo, Albralelie was fending off enemies left and right. But when he wanted to move to the top floor of the building, he created space for himself like only Gibby can.

He threw down the Defensive Bombardment ultimate one floor below, where he was safe, before setting up his Dome Shield on an object so that it was propped up slightly higher than the floor.

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After he went topside, a sliver of the dome was poking above the floor as the aerial strikes were coming down. This can displace opponents while giving Gibraltar better positioning to pick and choose his targets.

Gibby Door Block

Lou used Gibraltar’s Dome Shield in a slightly different way by throwing the ability behind him to stymie an enemy Ash from breaking through a door.

The move turned the tables from Lou getting chased to having the better shot on the player that was creeping up on him.

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It took a little while for Gibby to stand on his own, but Respawn has had time to tweak the character to make him a strong pick in Apex Legends.