Apex Legends pros claim Wraith will be meta in Season 16

Apex Legends WraithRespawn Entertainment

Apex Legends pros Logan ‘Knoqd’ Layou, Charles ‘Clane’ Lane, and Tyler ‘Dezignful’ Gardner have revealed that they think Wraith is going to be meta in Season 16, hinting changes are coming in the major update for the Interdimensional Skirmisher.

Since the release of Apex Legends all the way back in 2019, Wraith has been one of the most popular characters on the roster.

Currently, her pick rate sits at an impressive 9.8% and she’s seen as the perfect solo carry choice for climbing in Ranked.

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However, while chosen a lot in competitive play, she’s not considered a must-use Legend, but a conversation between a set of pros ahead of Season 16 suggests that’s going to change.

Knoqd, Clane, and Dezignful revealed on stream that they think she’s going to become the top-tier meta pick next season, potentially hinting that Respawn has plans for Wraith in the update.

Wraith Apex LegendsRespawn Entertainment
Wraith has been one of the most popular Legends in Apex since the game’s release back in 2019.

Wraith may become top-tier for pro play in Season 16

During a recent stream, Knoqd was talking to Clane and Dezignful about the meta for pro play in Season 16.

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According to them, they think “everyone is going to play Wraith at the beginning at least for sure”, suggesting Respawn may have a significant set of changes lined up for the Interdimensional Skirmisher.

This would be strange, as the devs are often cautious about buffing or improving a Legend with a strong pick rate. As one of the most popular Legends in the Outlands, Wraith certainly hasn’t been pushed out of the meta.

However, it’s possible that rather than buffing Wraith in Season 16, Respawn is just planning on making fundamental changes to her base kit that they feel will keep her balanced.

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Continuing their conversation, the group reveal that they think the premier comp in Season 16 is going to be “Wraith, Valk, Caustic” or “Wraith, Maggie, Caustic”.

Either way, as certain pros get access to the meta changes early, it’s possible this conversation has revealed that Wraith is lined up for major changes.

We’ll have to wait and see whether they positively impact her place in the meta, but for the time being, it’s clear pros believe Wraith is going to have a big impact on the Season 16 meta.

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