Apex Legends pro HisWattson completes insane challenge to hit Masters

apex legends hiswattson challengeEA, HisWattson

Pro Apex Legends player HIsWattson managed to run a Solo Queue from Bronze to Masters under incredibly wild circumstances.

Solo Queuing all the way to Masters is no easy feat; the long grind requires users to play at the top of their game from start to finish.

Of course, this means those who take on such a challenge will often find themselves battling some of Apex Legends’ most skilled players.

Pros like HisWattson have their playstyle down to a science as a result. The Apex veteran proved as much upon recently overcoming an incredibly difficult challenge.

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HisWattson impresses with latest Apex Legends challenge

The newest Ranked challenge that Jacob ‘HisWattson’ McMillin took on saw him climb from Bronze to Masters with limited tools at his disposal.

For one, the Solo Queue attempt featured none of the following – Armor, Back, Helmet, or Knockdown shield. Suffice it to say, HisWattson entered the challenge with his work cut out for him.

He managed just fine with Loba, though. The popular Apex Legends player revealed as much in the following Twitter post.

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“That’s why he’s the GOAT,” wrote the Furia USA account in response to HisWattson’s tweet. Several other commentators pointed out that the Apex pro is simply “built different.”

It’s not the player’s first time leaving fellow Apex Legends veterans in awe. Less than a couple of months ago, HisWattson climbed from Bronze to Masters by exclusively using snipers.

At this rate, there’s no telling what HisWattson may have up his sleeve for whatever Solo Queue challenge comes next. But given his track record, it’s almost guaranteed that fans will want to pay attention.

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