Apex Legends players want one simple change to make Heirlooms even better

Apex Legends players are suggesting a simple change that would make the ultra-rare Heirlooms even better than before. 

The battle royale’s incredibly rare Heirlooms are desired by all players and nothing is harder to obtain or is more valuable than them.

However, fans are now suggesting a simple change that would make the rare them even more appealing to try and get.

Apex Legends heirloomsHeirlooms are the most valuable items in all of Apex Legends

In a Reddit thread on February 4, Apex Legends player vasudevvkm suggested Heirloom changes that would make them so much better than they currently are.

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The fan suggested that they should come with character selection animation instead of the current voice lines that you get with them.

With the thread since amassing close to 8k upvotes at the time of writing, other players are seemingly on board with the change.

“Hell, they could literally just have the animated banner poses as the intro animations. Surely that wouldn’t be hard to implement,” one fan commented on the thread.

Another reply suggested the devs should even add specific executions for each Heirloom: “Absolutely. Heirlooms should also grant an execution.”

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“I think it’s criminal we don’t get executions with them,” another added.

Reliable Apex Legends leaker KralRindo was a fan of the idea and created a mock-up of what the suggestion could look like if it was implemented.


For now, this suggestion will sit on the ever-growing list of features players want to see added to the game.

However, it’s unlikely we’ll see it introduced to Apex Legends any time soon with Season 12’s release just mere days away.

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